11 April, 2008

The Point Of This Blog....

...Is random thoughts so here are some that occurred to me on my drive from Tennessee to Louisiana the other day. I have seen almost nothing more beautiful in person than the fog clinging to the mountains in the morning. The worst traffic I've driven through is in Birmingham, Alabama. What is with those people? Is the penalty for illegally crossing a median the same as for illegally crossing the border into the U.S.? If so, I am going to cross the first median I find so that I too may obtain a free education and free health care for me and my family at the taxpayers expense. Mississippi is the only state I've been in that has one way signs on the interstate. Is that an indication of the average intelligence of their citizens? How come you never see any really good looking hitchhikers? Is there a direct correlation to being ugly and not having a vehicle? It always rains when I drive through Hattiesburg, regardless of the weather everywhere else. Every. Damn. Time. Why is it that the same people who care so much about freeing Tibet complain so much that we freed Iraq? You think that's bloody? Try taking on China. New Orleans has a distinctly indescribable smell that first hits you about 50 miles out. It's best not to think about what is making that smell. If evolution is a valid scientific theory then why is it that insects have not evolved to the point that they know to stay away from the interstate and thus avoid obliteration on my windshield? And, finally, things could be worse. I could be from West Virginia. Just kidding, John. But Puck thinks that is funny.


Unknown said...

Butt Puck would think that was funny.

haonmot's woman said...

I have thought the same thing while driving through Mississippi. Why are there one way signs on the interstate where you merge on? The funny thing is; the signs are regualar one way signs therefor I am not sure how good you can see it upon entering the interstate. I also wonder if this is just on I-59 or on all MS interstates...hummm?

because I said so.... said...

every time I see a hitchhiker the song All I Want to Do by Heart starts playing on my mind's jukebox. is that weird?