17 September, 2007

The beginning...

I have considered starting a blog for a long time now but, as with many things in my life, I put it off. Until now (obviously). Why blog? To appease my ego? In part. Because I think I have something to say? Maybe. Perhaps for all those people who believed I would one day be a writer. Well, people, this is about as close as I'm likely to ever get. So enjoy.
I would like to pretend that I have some sort of plan laid out. I don't. I would try to convince you that I will follow a regular format. Not likely. I can't even guarantee that I will post with any regularity. Anyone who knows me will tell you I procrastrinate almost religiously. So, we will see what develops.... I am more than willing to discuss any topic with civilized, thoughtful individuals. If I write things that offend you, this blog is not for you. There is something in this world to offend everyone. If you want to read things that only make you feel peaceful and happy then, by all means, go find a blog that does that for you. This is not it. So, please, don't write me telling me you were offended by something I said. You have been warned....
Anyways, here's to a new beginning. Let's hope it's not a complete disaster.


Unknown said...

What a brilliant beginning! So insightful and thought provoking. I feel that I am only a few posts away from achieving enlightenment... so write on; enlighten us.

Me said...

I am humbled by your praise. I will endeavor to enlighten all the darkened masses my son...

Faith said...

I feel as if I am in the presence of Greatness! LOL!! This is sooo cool, haonmot! Keep it up! Love ya'

haonmot's woman said...

You invite people to blog with you then you are predjudice to whom you will blog with.....hmmmm

Michigan Man said...

Gee, shouldn't your skinny ass be sitting on mountain top in some place like... Tibet! Oh wise one, pride cometh before the fall. Even mighty Michigan must endure tough times occasionally. Could be worse. Could be a fan of that team from South Bend(Notre Dame for the geographically impaired.)I feel so enlightened by your sardonic wit and articulation, that I must go wash it off of my feet and hope it doesn't spread. I bleed Maize and Blue, but my roots are still Purple and Gold. "M" go Blue and Geaux Tigers!!!!!!

cherigrace said...

Blogs rock! I'm really glad you're doing this :)
love ya!

Anonymous said...

Yep - you fixed it. Thanks, I like this much better now. So get busy and bloviate some more will ya?!